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"title": "Aerilon",
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"type": "create",
"action": "create",
"user": "Abbey",
"timestamp": "2025-02-07T09:29:32Z",
"comment": "Created page with \"Aerilon is the capital city of [[Joriah]], a kingdom of [[Norlaria]]. === Summary === === Localities === ==== The Sprawling ____ ==== === Society === === History === === Trivia ===\""
"logid": 56,
"ns": 0,
"title": "Murgrin",
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"type": "create",
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"user": "Abbey",
"timestamp": "2024-08-05T10:21:17Z",
"comment": "Created page with \"=== Summary === Murgrin is in the most south-eastern corner of Yne, next to the Lokmar Lake. It's not a large village and only visited by travelers wanting to head to Thydle on foot or people visiting The Temple of Tides and the people aren't the most accommodating. The mostly dwarven town is unbothered by the cold, but can appear as if they've taken on the cold as a personality trait instead. === Taverns === === Shops === === Points of Interest === ====Fahldirs Stat...\""
"logid": 55,
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"title": "Thydle",
"pageid": 51,
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"type": "create",
"action": "create",
"user": "Abbey",
"timestamp": "2024-01-31T11:45:15Z",
"comment": "Created page with \"Thydle is a forest-based kingdom of magic found in the south of Norlaria, in the world of Eliqueth, sharing borders with [[Syndon]], [[Yne]] and [[Quint]] ==The Kingdom== ===Kingdom Values=== ===Known for=== Thydle is believed to be the home of all magic and anyone with magic in their blood, no matter how faint, must have ancestors from this ancient kingdom. The kingdom itself flourishes under the influence of magic and most of the kingdom is found among the trees, the...\""
"logid": 54,
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"title": "Vandoc West",
"pageid": 50,
"logpage": 50,
"params": {},
"type": "create",
"action": "create",
"user": "Abbey",
"timestamp": "2024-01-31T09:26:35Z",
"comment": "Created page with \"Vandoc West is towards the north-east of [[Norlaria]], in the world of [[Eliqueth]], sharing borders with [[Thenatere]], [[Liath]], [[Solenth]], [[Vandoc East]]. {{Infobox Kingdom|title=Vandoc West|religion=Riolt|gemstone=Aquamarine|mostcommonrace=Humans|currentroyalfamily=The High Minister Reginald The High Priest Levi The High Priest Isaac Scarlett|heirprocess=The oldest male child in the royal family is the chosen heir, a female cannot be the heir.}} ==The Kingdom=...\""
"logid": 53,
"ns": 0,
"title": "Dorse Isles",
"pageid": 49,
"logpage": 49,
"params": {},
"type": "create",
"action": "create",
"user": "Abbey",
"timestamp": "2024-01-31T08:38:03Z",
"comment": "Created page with \"{{Infobox Kingdom|religion=Skeptic|gemstone=Jade|mainexports=Wines, Beers, Spirits and Ales|currentroyalfamily=The Warlord The Baroness The Prince The Prinxe The Princess The Prince|heir=The|heirprocess=The Warlord or Baroness will give their children a series of challenges of strength, strategy, manipulation and intelligence. The winning child is deemed the heir, and it has been often seen throughout history that the winning child will have the remaining siblings killed...\""
"logid": 52,
"ns": 0,
"title": "Thul Lodar",
"pageid": 48,
"logpage": 48,
"params": {},
"type": "create",
"action": "create",
"user": "Abbey",
"timestamp": "2024-01-31T08:15:42Z",
"comment": "Created page with \"=== Summary === === Taverns === === Shops === === Points of Interest ===\""
"logid": 51,
"ns": 0,
"title": "The Sorcerer's Herald",
"pageid": 47,
"logpage": 47,
"params": {},
"type": "create",
"action": "create",
"user": "Abbey",
"timestamp": "2024-01-27T03:22:56Z",
"comment": "Created page with \"The Sorcerer's Herald is run by a collection of wizards, sorcerer's and other various magic users that use their magic to send the important news across the continent, anything from small town heroes to the massive cataclysms, the Sorcerer's Herald has all the latest information, just for you Each kingdom has a few employees that travel around to get information Zircon Lemongrass covers the south portion of Liath and the border town of Vorgulir\""
"logid": 50,
"ns": 0,
"title": "Westarin",
"pageid": 46,
"logpage": 46,
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"type": "create",
"action": "create",
"user": "Abbey",
"timestamp": "2023-07-11T13:14:22Z",
"comment": "Created page with \"=== Summary === Westarin is the southern-most village in Liath, sitting next to the Thilimon River on the border of Liath and Yne. Their trade mostly comes from fishing and farming, and most of the foot traffic is just people passing through. The Stiles family, a lesser noble family, overlooks Westarin and it's governance, and while most people would have a complaint or two, they do a sufficient enough job to not lose their role or sense of importance. Despite the cold a...\""
"logid": 49,
"ns": 0,
"title": "Ashenbluff",
"pageid": 45,
"logpage": 45,
"params": {},
"type": "create",
"action": "create",
"user": "Abbey",
"timestamp": "2023-03-20T10:41:50Z",
"comment": "Created page with \"=== Summary === === Taverns === === Shops === === Points of Interest ===\""
"logid": 48,
"ns": 2,
"title": "User:Abbey",
"pageid": 38,
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"user": "Admin",
"timestamp": "2023-03-20T10:29:18Z",
"comment": ""