Fearth is the southern-most town in Joriah of medium size settled in the base of the Attleholm Peaks, near The Wailing Pass
Fearth is a medium-sized town in the south east of Joriah, at the base of the Attleholm Peaks. It's often quite busy as most travelers coming in and out of Joriah to the rest of Norlaria have to pass through this town, so Fearth sees plenty of business and trade despite it's distance from the trading city of Aerilon. The town is overseen by the elected Mayor and a few council members in order to allow the people to have say in decisions made about their town and there have been minimal complaints since it was implemented across the kingdom, it's a relatively quiet job for the Tradiers that live in Fearth. Fearth may be much smaller than the capital city but it's filled with hidden treasures on travelling merchants from around Norlaria, or even around Eliqueth, if you didn't find what you were looking for in Aerilon, it's worth a look in Fearth.
The Windward Carried
Points of Interest
Town Hall
- Mayor Tereza